Wikis > RTV Xporter PRO - Interface Overview > RTV Xporter Pro Transmittal Designer

Transmittal Designer is a bundled application included with Xporter Pro which allows users to customise and edit your own Transmittal Reports as required.

There are a number of pre-formatted Report styles provided with Xporter Pro however you will most likely want to edit these to suit your needs and incorporate company logos etc.

To access the utility click the Transmittal Designer button from the Home Tab of the ribbon as shown below.

On the Edit Transmittal dialog box select one of the pre-formatted default report styles as a starting point for which to edit and then click the Edit Transmittal button to launch Report Designer.

Using the Report Designer Tools you have the ability to modify and customise a report style to the layout that you require and save it to become your default Report Template.

To save time and provide assistance to our customers, the development team at RTV Tools can provide you with your desired Report Template by contacting

 Transmittal Settings

By Clicking on the Transmittal Settings button from the Edit Transmittal dialog box you can then enter / customize required information such as a list of Project Contacts, Distribution methods, Document Status, Issue Format, Issue Media, Sheet Size and Issue Dialog Parameters.

Xporter Pro Transmittal Settings
