What is Aconex Uploader? RTV Tools Aconex Uploader is a standalone application that runs independently of any other BIM or Modelling software such as Autodesk® Revit®. Our Aconex Uploader automates the process of bulk uploading documents to the Aconex platform with a very simple 3 step process (1.Connect, 2.Publish, 3.Transmit). When it comes to generating your new electronic documents or revisions to existing electronic documents from Autodesk® Revit® our Aconex Uploader works in harmony alongside our RTV Xporter Pro plug-in giving your project teams more time to design and coordinate their BIM projects. With virtually no setup required, just install and automate!, RTV Aconex Uploader is ideal for Architects, Interiors Designers, Engineers, Landscape Architects and Visualization Artists using Aconex. The ...
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The RTV Tools Aconex Uploader makes the process of uploading documents to your Aconex project and generating Aconex transmittal emails as easy as a 1,2,3 process! Step 1 in that process is to define your source import folder and connect to your Aconex Project. To do so click the Connect button from the Aconex panel of the ribbon. The First time you use Aconex Uploader you will be asked to specify the source folder on your network to be used for imports when connected to the Aconex System. From then on each time you click the Connect button you can choose to keep using the same source folder or specify a new source folder as required. Navigate to the required ...
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When connecting to your Aconex project Aconex Uploader will check the contents of your specified source folder against what is already present in the actual Aconex Project database for any differences such as new files or existing files that have been revised/superseded. Aconex Uploader works seamlessly alongside our other Xporter Pro plug-in for Revit to produce the required electronic files ready for use by Aconex Uploader. Before you can upload the files to Aconex you will need to fill out the required Mandatory information for each document which is highlighted by the empty Yellow Cells in the data grid. This information is required by the Aconex system and until you have completed all mandatory information you will not be able ...
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Once you have published your documents to Aconex either for the first time or with subsequent revised documents you can also generate an Aconex Transmittal email using Aconex Uploader to notify the Aconex Project team of the new documents. To do so click the Transmit button from the Aconex panel of the Ribbon. Include Global Recipients: if selected will retrieve the list of Global Recipients from Aconex system and display them on a separate tab Directory: click to retrieve the list of Aconex Project related recipients as well as Global Recipients (if enabled) Reason for Issue: select a reason for the issue from the drop down list Response Required: optional field where you can select an option from the drop ...
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With the Aconex Uploader user interface you can control which columns are to be displayed and used in the data grid as required. To access the column chooser click the Check for Updates drop down button on the Settings panel and select Columns. This will launch the Column Visibility dialog box as shown below. The list of available columns displayed in the dialog box is directly controlled by the setup of the actual Aconex Project itself and there is no direct control of those or any ability to modify them using Aconex Uploader hence they will appear ‘greyed out’ in the list. Mandatory Columns and therefore associated data is also controlled by the Aconex Project setup and you cannot turn ...
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The Export Column Schema functionality in Aconex Uploader is designed to work in conjunction with our other Revit plug-in Xporter Pro for the purpose of predefining the mandatory columns and data values when generating the electronic documents out of Xporter Pro. If you are not also using our Xporter Pro plug-in to generate your electronic documents out of Revit then there is no need for you to use the Export Column Scheme function in Aconex Uploader. To do so however go to the Check for Updates drop down button on the Settings panel and select Export Column Schema. Browse to your network location where the .acxml file is to be saved and specify a filename as required. Once saved Xporter ...
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For Large Complex projects with extensive amounts of documents knowing how to manipulate the Main User Interface Data Grid can make finding required documents a lot quicker and easier. Some useful Data Grid functionality includes; Group by Column Headers Re-order columns Filter the view / columns Use the dynamic search function To Group by Column Headers simply drag the column header up into the Dark Grey area directly above the Column headers in order of Hierarchy. You can re-order columns if required by simply dragging the column header to the desired position in the main data grid. In order to Dynamically Filter and search the data grid first turn on the Find / Search Panel by clicking the Blue magnifying glass ...
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On the ribbon of Aconex Uploader you will find the Youtube button which will launch the Getting started with RTV Aconex Uploader panel as shown below. Click any of the content options on the panel to view a Youtube video tutorial online in addition to the content contained on our Wikihelp site.
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Checking for updates RTV Tools are constantly adding new features and enhancements to our products to cater for end user requests and functionality therefore it is a good idea to regularly check for any product updates that may be available. To do so just launch Aconex Uploader, go to the Check for Updates button and click Check for Updates. Aconex Uploader will then check with the RTV Tools website if a newer build number of your product is available and then display a dialog box similar to below advising if your product is up to date or if there is an update available for you to download.
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