What is Xporter? Xporter Defined RTV Xporter for Autodesk® Revit®, automates the process of exporting and printing drawing sheets and views in Autodesk® Revit®. Quickly browse, search and filter Revit® drawing sheets and views using the intuitive RTV Xporter user interface Xporter works in harmony with your Revit Project using your Revit Views and Drawing Sheets for exporting to various file formats. With Xporter you have the ability to simultaneously generate export formats such as DWFx, DWG/DXF, PDF, and IFC files complete with automatic project file naming for file name, including the current drawing sheet revision i.e. A-XB-23_045[A1c].dwg. In addition to that you can also batch print your sheet sets to two different printers simultaneously allowing you to print say ...
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Parameter setup in Xporter works in relation to the Project Parameters created directly in your Revit Project itself that Xporter can then read and utilize to form part of the file naming convention and formatting when exporting various file formats. You do not have to make use of this ability if you do not want to however it does provide the means for a very useful parametric file naming mechanism out of Xporter that Revit itself cannot do natively. There are three categories of Project Parameters that you can utilize with Xporter being Sheet Parameters, View Parameters or Project Information Parameters. Create any required Project Parameters as normal within Revit itself just like the below screen shot showing some existing ...
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RTV Xporter allows you to export your Revit Project ‘Sheets’ into various different file formats such as DWG/DXF, DWFx/DWF, PDF, and IFC. Even more impressive is the ability to export to any combination of these file types simultaneously; either to separate export locations for each file type or to a common export location for all resulting file types. When Exporting to DWF or PDF formats you can also choose to exports each sheet as individual files or combine into one multi-page document. Xporter will automatically load in Sheets and Views from your Revit® Project where they will be displayed in the main interface as shown below. Select the required sheets from the main window prior to clicking the Export Button ...
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RTV Xporter allows you to export your Revit Project ‘Views’ into various different file formats such as DWG/DXF, DWFx/DWF, PDF, and IFC. Even more impressive is the ability to export to any combination of these file types simultaneously; either to separate export locations for each file type or to a common export location for all resulting file types. When Exporting to DWF or PDF formats you can also choose to exports each sheet as individual files or combine into one multi-page document. Xporter will automatically load in Sheets and Views from your Revit® Project where they will be displayed in the main interface as shown below. Select the required Views from the Revit Views Tab of the main window prior ...
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Firstly select the required Revit Sheets or Revit Views to be exported from the Xporter main interface and then click the Export button from the ribbon. The top half of the Dialog box contain the specific settings and options for the resulting DWG / DXF files as shown by the below image. Export Layer Options – from the drop down there are three options from which to choose. Export Category properties BYLAYER and overrides BYENTITY, Export all properties BYLAYER, do not export overrides, Export all properties BYLAYER, create new layers for overrides. Load layers – select from the drop down one of the predefined layer export standards (American Institute of Architects, ISO standard 13567, Singapore Standard 83, British Standard 1192) ...
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Firstly select the required Revit Sheets or Revit Views to be exported from the Xporter main interface and then click the Export button from the ribbon. The top half of the Dialog box relates to the ‘Print’ settings and options for the resulting DWF files as shown by the below image. Most of the options emulate those available inherently from Revit itself. Paper Placement Panel simply controls the image position on the sheet Orientation Panel determines the plot s either Landscape or Portrait orientation Hidden Line Views Panel determines the Print mode as with Revit. For linework drawings use the Vector Processing option as it is faster however for drawings containing images or Shaded view mode you may need to ...
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Firstly select the required Revit Sheets or Revit Views to be exported from the Xporter main interface and then click the Export button from the ribbon. The top half of the Dialog box relates to the ‘Print’ settings and options for the resulting PDF files as shown by the below image. Most of the options emulate those available inherently from Revit itself. PDF Printers – Xporter will scan and detect any installed PDF printers on your machine the first time you use the Export to PDF option and display available PDF printers in the drop down window. Paper Size – Select an option from the drop down list to determine the resulting PDF paper size for exporting. Paper Placement Panel ...
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Firstly select the required Revit Sheets or Revit Views to be exported from the Xporter main interface and then click the Export button from the ribbon. The top half of the Dialog box relates to the ‘Export’ settings and options for the resulting IFC files as shown by the below image. Most of the options emulate those available inherently from Revit itself. IFC Export Settings If required you can choose to ‘Split Walls & Columns by Level’ and ‘Export base Quantities’ by checking the boxes. From the Include Space Boundaries Drop down box you can either set to None or choose the appropriate Level from the drop down list. For File Version you can again select the required option from ...
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In addition to Exporting sheets to various formats using RTV Xporter you can also print your sheets or views to your normal office printers – in fact you can even send the same set of drawings to two separate printers at the same time. For example you could send one set of drawings as a print job to say a large format A1 or A0 printer, and then send the same set of drawings as another print job to say a second small format printer for an A3 set simultaneously. You can control your Printer setup for each device respectively as you normally would for example Printer 1 could be your large format printer set for Black & white or ...
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With Xporter In addition to simply Exporting or Printing Revit Sheets or views a reasonably new feature now means you can now also manage the Revisions for your Revit Sheets. Xporter works with the built in native Revit Revisioning system providing a more user friendly interface that will instantly synchronize with your Revit project on the fly. To do so click the Revisions button from the Xporter Ribbon. The top section of the Revisions dialog box simply mimics the native Revision options within Revit natively where you can Add or Remove revision sequences, set the numbering system and Revision details etc. Clicking on the Revision numbering icon will pop up another dialog box again where you can define the revision ...
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